White text doesn't show well on background image

Support Forums Verde – WP Plugin White text doesn't show well on background image


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  • #6220

    I am using a background image (Image 1), some text (“Text Home”), and a Mailchimp form. The white text cannot be seen/read effectively on the background image I’ve chosen. Rather than modify the image itself, I would prefer to add an effect w/ CSS to make it more readable. Maybe a blur or fade or opacity change of the background image? Alternatively, I’d be open to a lower opacity colored box/container around the text and form. I tried all the pattern variations and none of them help the readability.

    Can you provide guidance on what I need to put into the “Custom CSS” field in order to accomplish this?

    I’ve tried using the inspector in Chrome to find the background image identifiers, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Dan.

    Please disregard. I’ve found a solution that works for me.


    Ok. If you need something more, contact me please.


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