Problem with Menu Scroll

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  • #5174
    Sumit Rathore

    I have merged the Menu under one another. So I have put Pricing, features, screenshots as sub menu inside a new menu link.

    Now, when I click on either of these, the “Smooth scrolling” is NOT happening. The page just jumps to that section and also the url is appending with hashvalue

    Like this :- http://localhost:8081/motrss/#spotlight2

    I have not changed the id of these.

    What should I do.

    Secondly, where is the scoll property for showing the Menu. By default the menu is hidden and is shown when we scroll down. Which js file has the property to change the offset value. I want to show the menu bar, as soon the scroll starts. So even if the scroll is just 2 , I need to show the menu bar

    Where to change.



    about the offset for the nav bar, you can modify the value in the file footer-single.php. Now, the value is 300px. The line code is the next:

    if(jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 310) {

    And about the menu link with scroll down, you have to add the next code in the option Custom JS in the page Appearance > Theme Option > Custom Scripts:

    jQuery('.navbar-nav > li.scrollTo a').bind('click', function(e) {
         var target = this.hash;
         jQuery.scrollTo(target, 1250, {
              easing: 'swing',
              axis: 'y',
              offset: -45


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